Pilot Store

It is a laboratory of research and evolution of a substantial and concrete know-how that a franchisor will concede to a Franchisee in the form of knowledge of success.

(See: Olivier Gast « Plaidoyer pour une révision de la notion de savoir faire en matière de la franchise : « Du savoir-faire au savoir -réussir » » ["A plea for a revision of the concept of know-how in terms of franchising: From know-how to knowledge of success "], Petites Affiches, November 1995).

It is an operations centre in which the concept, technique, methods and procedures of the Franchisor shall be put at test. The smooth functioning and the positive outcome of a pilot store are the guarantees for the successful relationship between the franchisor and the franchisee. This will be the repeated business model applied in the considered market.
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